Tag Archives: kim neill design

In lieu of a birthday cake next year…

Pantone Chip Cookies by Kim Neill

how amazing are these little pantone chip cookies i stumbled across on the interwebs? dear god, what a brilliant idea for the graphic designer in your life (wink, wink). for those of you who don’t know what pantone colours are here is an ultra nerdy wikipedia article.

if anyone is interested in baking some of these and giving them to me, here is the recipe from graphic designer kim neill’s website. she is my new hero:

Pantone Cookies by Kim Neill



I used Mary’s Sugar Cookie recipe from the Betty Crocker cookbook. Super tasty. Recipe here:


Roll dough out between 1/4” and 1/8“ thickness. I find thinner cookies keep their shape better.

Cut 2” x 3” rectangles out of dough (You can cut a stencil from cardboard to trace if you like).

Cook until lightly golden brown, keeping an eye on them as they cook because they cook quickly!

Note on Quantities: If you are filling a Pantone Tin, three batches of cookies will only fill up the tin halfway. They are big tins! To resolve this, I ended up lining the bottom of the tin with folded over bubble wrap just to make the tin look full and happy.

An alternative to the tin is filling a Pantone Mug with Pantone Cookies, which makes for a nice individual gift.

Both Pantone Tins and Pantone Mugs can be found on amazon.com



This is a great recipe to use because it keeps color vibrant, doesn’t fade and dries nice without being too hard. Flavor with white vanilla here if you can. Regular vanilla tends to darken the icing a bit. You might want to adda bit more milk then the recipe calls for to get the perfect spreading consistency. Recipe here:



Make a big bowl of white royal icing.

Start by spreading a strip of white icing across the all the cookie bottoms and let dry.

Now use what’s left of your white icing to make colors.

I made colors one at a time as I went. Scoop 3-4 heaping tablespoons of icing in a tiny bowl and then color with solid food coloring. This will color 3-5 cookies.

Once you are done with one color, rinse your bowl out and start again.

Doing colors this way keeps the mess down and you don’t have to worry about

what you just mixed drying out.

Don’t worry about matching a PMS color exactly.

I just eyed it and then grabbed the PMS book once cookies dried to identify the right color.

Using a food dye pen, write the matching PMS number down on the cookies.

To make Metallic Chips, use a soft brush or cotton ball to burnish icing surface with gold or silver luster dust.